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Three Reasons Why Realtors and Architects Should be BFFs

Alright, so I’ll be the first to admit that maybe, just maybe, the title is misleading. I’m not saying that architects and realtors should start eating lunch together every day, grabbing beers after work or whatever it is that you do with your best friend. What I can say is that architects and realtors should work together professionally. Not convinced yet? I’ll give you the top three reasons why realtors should hire an architect for property assessment.

1. Liability.

If you’re the Realtor: sure, your client never said they wanted to build that extra garage or that spare bedroom in the back. How would they know that it goes against code if they never once mentioned it to you? Then, two months later, you’re getting an angry phone call from the homeowners saying that they were misled when they bought the property expecting to be able to do something that they never once mentioned to you. Miscommunication is unfortunately quite common. This situation could’ve been easily avoided by hiring an architect. We’ve spent years building in our surrounding cities and counties and know what codes apply and where. We know where you can and can’t build that extra garage, that second floor addition, or that guest house for grandma. By getting an architect involved, everyone will be better informed and less liable for miscommunication.

2. Possibility.

One of the best times to have an architect around is when you’re walking a potential buyer through a home and you can see they’re quite clearly debating if the home will meet their needs. Perhaps all the persuasion they need is a vision for the space- what great potential a living room has with a wall removed or the addition of a deck. It’s an architect’s job to come up with creative solutions in three dimensional spaces, and their vision could be all the client needs for them to comfortably decide that it’s the right home for them.

3. Sustainability.

All home buyers should be considering how sustainable and energy efficient their home is. If the clients are already convinced that efficiency is mandatory, an architect can show them ways to use passive and proactive solutions for making sure that the home they’re buying can be just as progressive as they are. If a client hasn’t considered the benefits of owning a sustainable home, then the architect can show them why they won’t regret buying a home where they can live in an efficient manner with no extra hassle.