We're Planting Trees!

Trees Planted: 0

VFLA Response to COVID-19

The VFLA Architecture + Interiors family is committed to doing all that we can to ensure the health of our staff, clients, and community during this unique and uncertain time. Our management team is taking this situation seriously and has taken a proactive approach in continually following the current and up-to-date reports about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) issued by local, state, and federal authorities.
We are taking active measures to protect our team while also protecting our business operations. We are fortunate that we are able to stay fully operational and our goal is to maintain all project schedules at this time. Updates to our current work situation are the following:
Our offices located in both Fort Collins and Cheyenne are closed to the public and non-essential personnel. Our leadership team has worked effectively in making sure our team is able to work and communicate fully remotely. Our employees able to work remotely have been encouraged to do so until further notice. Team members who are choosing not to work remotely, are maintaining safe social distancing of at least 6 feet from others while at work. All meetings have been moved to virtual meetings in order to reduce personal contact and practice safe social distancing.
Our Team has been asked to avoid large gatherings with over 10 attendees during personal time until further notice, due to recommendations from state authorities. All team members are instructed to stay home if: they are feeling sick, if they are living with others that feel sick, if they experience COVID-19 symptoms, or have been in direct contact with someone who is symptomatic or has been diagnosed.
Our leadership team is closely monitoring information from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to ensure the actions we are taking follow the recommendations to help prevent the spread of this virus.
As more information becomes available, the status of our operations will be updated on our social media accounts.
As a team we will continue to be proactive. Thank you to our colleagues and community for your efforts and understanding during this time. Stay healthy, stay safe & wash your hands.