We're Planting Trees!

Trees Planted: 0


We’ve lost track of the number of times clients, friends, and new acquaintances have wanted to know more about architecture, and we wished we had a place where we recorded bits of our daily work and interactions where they could see just what it’s all about.  People are quite architecturally curious, asking us questions about the process of becoming a certified architect, how a rammed earth wall can replace an air conditioner, and everything in between.  We can give project tours and talk their ears off about the sustainable merits of beetle-kill pine wood floors, but that doesn’t come close to conveying all the pieces that have to come together to get them installed, or what goes into complementing the flooring material with everything else in the building.  And while there are plenty of magazines, blogs, and websites about architecture out there that offer information on elements of design, we wanted a place of our own to present our thoughts on architectural news and sustainable design, as well as share video and photographic glimpses into the daily goings-on of an architectural firm.  Our hope is that this blog will enable us to share updates on what we’re doing, funny and interesting project anecdotes that occur on a daily basis, and insights into the design process and what it’s like being an architect.  Anything is fair game, really.  The goal is to have an informal platform from which to share our ideas with the world, providing transparency that will hopefully make the prospect of starting an architectural project seem less daunting to potential clients. And in the process of trying to create a regular stream of entertaining information for the architecturally curious blog reader, with the hope we will learn through the dialog we share.  Everybody wins!  So read on.  The drawing board awaits.